Home Working Software For Your Business

Work as usual, from any location, on any device.


Our experts will listen to your needs and give you a tailored AgileCase demo.

Identical Functionality - AgileCase delivers the same user experience regardless of the location your users are working from.

Secure and scalable - 256-bit SLL encryption, firewalled with secure threat filtering. Strong passwords, IP black and whitelisting as well as 2FA (Two Factor Authetication).

Secure, Reliable And Scalable

Keep your business secure while allowing your users to do their work.

Remote working, as secure as working from the office.

2FA, Custom Domains and IP Restrictions

      AgileCase Forms & Custom Fields
AgileCase Forms and Custom Fields
      AgileCase Progress Your Cases
AgileCase Processing A Case

Work As Usual

Do your work, progress your cases.

Update data, create letters, emails and SMS's - Keep your customers fully informed.

No limitations just because you aren't based in an office.

Client Portal

Allow your customers to communicate with you without visiting your office.

A rich portal experience that allows you to share and gather information from clients without having to meet in person.

      AgileCase Client Portal
AgileCase Forms and Custom Fields
      Office Online Integration
Office Online Integration

Microsoft Office Online Integration

Open, Edit and Save Documents using a familiar Microsoft Office interface.

Your home users don't need Microsoft Office installed on their machines, so long as you have an Office 365 subscription you can work with documents through AgileCase.

This means that documents are not stored on your users computers, great for GDPR compliance.

Measure Progress

See your whole company case load, in real-time at any time.

Create a report suite to measure progress and track responsiveness while users aren't in the office.

      AgileCase Reports
AgileCase Running A Report
AgileCase Sending A Template SMS

Inform Customers & Partners

Use reports, emails, letters, SMS's, the AgileCase Portal and API integration to inform your customers and partners.

Give real-time feedback, reduce phone calls or office visits asking for updates on case progress and increase customer satisfaction.

What our users are saying about AgileCase Remote Working

"Bring Your Own Device"

"Where possible people have used work approved devices, but in extenuating circumstances people have had to use their own devices and as long as they have appropriate anti-virus software we’ve been happy for them to do that. " learn more

"Keep Service Levels High"

"This has been a major benefit to us, especially in times like this, as we can continue to deliver services without being in the office." learn more

"Not Just For Emergencies"

"Even in non-crisis times, many of our staff use AgileCase out with the office either for working at home or to access records on the go, and they do this through laptops, tablets and phones. " learn more

Used By These Awesome Companies

Our customers include foundations, not for profits, charities, law firms, banks and many more.

AgileCase Happy Customer OneAgileCase Happy Customer TwoAgileCase Happy Customer ThreemAgileCase Happy Customer FourAgileCase Happy Customer Five

Lets talk about how we can bring value to your business

Schedule a demo

Our experts will listen to your needs and give you a tailored system demo.